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Blog Review for

By Kyle Chezum Updated on 10/21/2010

Reviewed by Kyle Chezum


Scott Ficek is a real estate who lives and works in the Minneapolis area of Minnesota.  He is one of the top producing agents at his brokerage, and is an avid property investor and landlord.  His experience as a real estate professional and his success purchasing properties and working with tenants have made him an expert in the local real estate community and a mentor to many beginning investors.

And Scott is definitely an expert.  He writes a blog,, that covers numerous topics relevant to property investing and management in Minnesota.  The sheer depth and comprehension of the information Scott provides is impressive, but more impressive still is the fact that he makes all of this financial and technical knowledge easy to read and understand.  It's easy to get caught up in.

As we've stated above, "comprehensive" is the best adjective with which to describe Scott's blog.  He touches on subjects and issues all across the real estate industry, but he goes deep into how to find the best property to invest in and how to manage that property with optimum effectiveness.  His posts often discuss legal issues that pertain to landlords.  One recent post outlined some new tax requirements for rental property owners that had just been passed into law.

Scott provides numerous tips, such as how to maintain your property when winter approaches, and he provides information about resources such as seminars that property owners can attend to continue their education.  His blog goes into greater depth and covers more terrain than any other blog we've seen on property management.

We're impressed with Scott's work and with the way he works to communicate his expertise to his readers.  We give his blog five stars.  Check it out for yourself today and we're sure you'll be impressed as well.

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About The Author:
Kyle Chezum
My name is Kyle Chezum. I'm a Marketing Associate here at Lender411com. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Thanks!.

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