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Brock Amos's Answers

Is there any advantages to VA vs. conventional loans? I have heard VA loans are harder to win a bidding war with.
It really depends on your current financial situation. If you are trying to put little money down, VA would probably be your best bet. If you can put 10% down, I can do a 1st and 2nd MTG, which would save you from monthly MI on a conventional. I doubt whether or not you go VA or Conventional loan, is going to...
Conventional loan with PMI, when/how can I get PMI removied?
Was it a FHA or Conventional? The answer below for FHA is correct, Conventional it comes off at 78% of the original purchase price or appraisaed value. If you want to get rid of it, call me I have a first and second mortgage product so you can get rid of it immediatly

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