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Bruce Waller's Answers

Whats the LOWEST morgage down payment out there
FHA requires only 3.5% down. USDA offers 0 down but has income and property limits. Feel free to call or email. And I'll go over everything with you.
what lenders?
I'm a lender who helps people like YOU buy and refinance in MA. Bruce Waller. www. Call 484-754-3425 or email to learn about our special program cuts YOUR closing costs.
Does HARP 2.0 allow you to combine the mortgages on two different residences?
No. HARP can only be used on loan. However, you can HARP your primary home and investments properties. Give me a call at 484-754-3425 for more details. Bruce
how can i make sure my student debt won't affect mortgage qualification??
If you're doing a conventional loan, it will always affect you. However, if you do a FHA loan, if they're deferred for 13 months past your closing date, they won't affect you.
Overdraws in checking account and mortgage
It can, depending on the type of loan you want to get.
FHA streamline refinance... Do I have to pay title fees again?
Yes - but we cover them for you. So in essence, all you need to do is bring you payment to closing. By the way, my office is in Plymouth Meeting - not too far from you.

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