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Elden Lewis's Votes

Which is a match made in mortgage heaven?
Voted "Good Credit And Good Listener"
Will lending standards loosen up?
Voted "No They Will Get Stricter"
What influences mortgage rates most?
Voted "Fed Talk Of Tapering"
Do you support QRM-Plus?
Voted "I Do Not Support QRM Plus"
FHA or Conventional ?
Voted "Conventional"
What is the best bank to get a loan from?
Voted "None, There Are Better Options"
What will mortgage rates do tomorrow (9/4/2013)?
Voted "Go Up"     Correct Vote
What will mortgage rates do tomorrow (8/27/2013)?
Voted "Go Down"     Correct Vote
What will mortgage rates do tomorrow (8/20/2013)?
Voted "Go Up"     Correct Vote
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