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Gregg Repasky's Answers

My Equifax credit score is above 700 but my Experian and Transunion scores are bad. How will this impact a HARP loan?
Your middle score may not be as bad as you think, if you'd like give me a call to discuss your credit we have ways of improving your score through our credit service by doing simple thingsGregg RepaskySentrix Financial Services216-215-4400
could i still get a HARP loan with charge-offs and collection accounts on my credit report? but i never missed a mortgage payment.
Would have to look into this a little bit more because it will come down to the whole income and credit profile.Give me a call to discuss furtherGregg RepaskySentrix Financial Services216-215-4400
Can I do a HARP refinance on a second home?
Yes give me a call I can go over how that worksSentrix Financial ServicesGregg Repasky216-215-4400

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