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Ivan Lowe's Answers

acceleration of mortgage notice
You can avoid foreclosure by making up past due payments.Contact your lender directly.Work out a "forbearance" and explain your situation.Are you employed? What caused you to fall behind on your mortgage payments? Are you current on property taxes?Possible to ask the lender to add...
Is there a way to include my car loan into my mortgage debt?
Have you considered a reverse mortgage? This type of loan allows you to convert some of the equity in your home into tax free cash.This is an excellent way to improve your lifestyle and help you maintain your independence.Both a reverse mortgage and a home equity loan use the equity you have in your home...
Should I apply for a refinance before or after I retire?
Have you considered a reverse mortgage? This type of loan allows you to convert some of the equity in your home into tax free cash.This is an excellent way to improve your lifestyle and help you maintain your independence. Both a reverse mortgage and a conventional home loan mortgage use the equity you...
Is it possible to partially pay off second mortgage and include the remaining into first mortgage and refinance a single loan?
Have you considered a reverse mortgage? This type of loan allows you to convert some of the equity in your home into tax free cash.Both a reverse mortgage and a traditional mortgage loan use the equity you have in your home to generate cash. However, with a traditional forward mortgage loan you need to...

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