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Lisa Dudley's Answers

What is the lowest possible down payment we need to come up with? This will be our first home. We have good credit but not too much to put down.
We have a 100% loan that allows you to put nothing down and even roll in your closing costs. It's only for certain counties in New York but I'll bet the loan exists in other states since it's government funded. Call me if you live in NY. My cell is 845.464.9025. I look forward to working with you...
Is it possible for someone with damaged credit to own a home?
We have a loan program that allows you to buy a house with credit scores as low as 540, if you live in NY. Call me and let me help. I believe in the American dream -- a house of your own! Lisa Dudley cell: 845.464.9025 email
FHA 203K Loans
It basically works like any construction loan in that you get a monthly draw for up to 6 months and the cost of rehab is rolled into the loan. It can be streamlined with no HUD inspections if the job is under $35K but in Westchester it can go as high as $500,000. Contractor can't be a relative and must...

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