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Martha Pacheco's Answers

Do you help find a bank for refinance that supports the HARP program?
Yes- We do carry the HARP loan program. The existing mortgage must have been sold to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac on or before May 31, 2009. You can determine if you have a Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac loan by going to or calling 800.7FANNIE or or...
Where can I find a list of Freddie Mac lenders for this new Harp 2.0 program?
I am with ENG Lending and we do work with Freddie MAC HARP program. Please contact me directly at 828.768.1103 or email at Look forward to hearing from you. Thank you, Martha Pacheco
Parameters for using part time income
Yes - They are correct. Guidelines state for all programs in order to use part time income you have to have two years consecutive in order to include the income.
What's the max LTV for a usda mortgage please?
Depending on what your appraised value comes in at you will have the ability to utilizes the difference between the sales price and the appraised value. Also if there is a substantial difference you would be capped at 150% of the purchase price. Again not the appraised value but the purchase price.
i'm selling my home - do i need an appraisal or will the buyer's appraisal work?
Hello Jen,The lender for the buyer will order the appraisal on the buyer's behalf. You could order your own appraisal, but unfortunately the buyer could not use it.

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