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Phil Dumouchel's Blog

Do's and Don'ts
Updated Oct. 9, 2013
"Do's and Don'ts When Applying for or Closing a Mortgage" (developed by PrimeLending).. Here are a few important points and reminders ("do's and don'ts") before you apply for and close on your loan.. ? DON'T change jobs without consulting me. A change in compensation could affect your...
First Steps
Updated Oct. 9, 2013
Preparing to Apply for a Mortgage. The two of the most important steps toward preparing to buy a home are:. 1. Have enough savings to cover downpayment and closing costs in addition to normal monthly bills.. 2. Make sure your credit is ready to be reviewed by a lender. Higher credit scores also generally mean a better...
Renovation and Repair Escrow Loans
Updated Oct. 24, 2014
Renovation Loans are a single first (primary) mortgage and may be used to either purchase or refinance and improve/repair a home. There is not a separate loan for the renovation work. Depending on the type of mortgage, renovation loans are possible for a primary residence, vacation homes and/or rental property....
Renovation Loans
Updated Oct. 24, 2014
RENOVATION AND REPAIR ESCROW LOANS. Renovation Loans are a single first (primary) mortgage and may be used to either purchase or refinance and improve/repair a home. There is not a separate loan for the renovation work. Depending on the type of mortgage, renovation loans are possible for a primary residence,...

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