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Have well over ten years of mortgage experience. Graduated with a Bachelor's of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico. Held several engineering and management positions at NASA, Lockheed Martin, Honeywell and more recently, Motorola. In 2001, transitioned careers and became a mortgage loan processor and subsequently a loan originator with several mortgage companies of which, Innovative is the latest. My processing experience and knowledge gives his borrowers heightened efficiency and effectiveness for each individual transaction. He is bilingual (fully fluent) in English and Spanish. As a professional I abide by the following creed: Recommend genuine solutions that are in the best interest of the borrower's financial well being. I educate and inform my borrowers of the advantages and disadvantages of financing options and am committed to originating business that will be a win-win for all parties to the transaction. I have built my business on client referrals, so you can count on the utmost respect, confidentiality and professionalism.

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