ever since the "crash", banks seem tight. I have seen one house ad in quite a few that advertise full financing, and thought this would have been available anyway. Am i wrong? by aerozeppelinn from Freeport, Maine. Feb 22nd 2011
Yes there are 100% loans. There are City-Assisted Down payment assistance Programs and there is the FHA $100 down overlay Program for HUD owned homes. If you need more info let me know. Hope this helps! RC
If you have been in the military or in the military you can get a VA loan at 100% - or FHA does have a $100 down product.
There are also USDA loans that finance 100% of the sales price and also the funding fee and don't require a monthly mortgage insurance. USDA loans are limited to specific geographic locations and have household income restrictions. Call or e-mail me if you have any questions.kbaltes@1asmc.com, 704-971-4436-x303
There are a few programs the government is running by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. I would check a local lender to verify if your home is eligible. Of google fannie mae loan lookup and freddie mac loan lookup, and you can search your self to start. Then talk to a local lender to help you navigate thru the rules.
State Housing Agencies still offer 100% financing. Usually you cannot be a current home owner and there is income limits
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