Should be about the same. Have you considered a cash out refinance? It could be your best option because you would reduce the interest rate you are currently paying on your principal. We are Direct Lenders here in NY. Call me for a free consultation. 347 231 4444 or email me your scenario --- Peter Botros, Senior Loan Officer, Omega Financial Services.
This is a lender specific question so the answers may vary but in general they should be about the same on those two products.
Should be about the same - check with the lender.
As stated above it will depend on your specific situation and it could be the same or vast different. Talk to a Lender411 loan officer to help you.
you should try your own bank to see if there is special program for its customers. the local credit unions are also competitive. i used peoples alliance in ronkonkoma. i too am a sayville resident. should you have any further questions you can contact me by e-mail
should be about the same, but each lender will vary
It depends on what the lender wants to promote.
Yes they should be substantially cheaper. Check with some local banks or credit unions in your area.
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