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Buying home with IN LAW,share costs??

HI guys,I just bought a home with inlaw, I need help with unbiased opinions.1)in law downpayment 40,0002)My downpayment 21,0003)I will spend 19000 to remodel house3)on Title= 1/3 me, 1/3 husband, 1/3 inlaw4)mortgage + property tax= 3200 monthly5)I will pay 2400 monthly and live on top floor6)inlaw pays 800 and not live there7)can rent top floor on market probably 18008)in law will share maintenance costs but not remodeling costs My question is, if I collect rent from a tenant for downstairs, how much should I share with in law?Remember, in-law doesn't live there, I will be dealing with the tenant 100%. by elliot_832_947 from Dana Point, California. Sep 22nd 2011 Reply

Bert Carpenter (BertCarpenter)
#37 ranked lender in Arizona - 2,431 contributions

Does title really show Husband, Wife, In-Laws each have a 1/3 interest? It would seem to me that if Inlaws put down $40, and you put down $40 (including rehab costs) that you and Husband would have 50% and In-laws would have 50%. However, assuming you and Husband do own 2/3, you would normally split rental income and maint per ownership stake. In my properties, I always write the agreement so that the one taking care of all of the trenant issues receives a credit for the "management" of the rental. If you were to accept a credit of say $100 per month for interviewing, showing, processing rent and other "Landlord" duties, then that would come off the top of the rent, with the balance being split based on ownership.The bottom line is that the one dealing with the tenant should be entitled to some benefit for putting up with the hassle. You may be blessed with a perfect tenant, but don't bank on it.Good luck

Sep 22nd 2011
William J Acres (William_Acres)
#75 ranked lender in Arizona - 8,728 contributions

Bert Answered this question perfectly... I have owned 40 rentals at one time and I don't think I would ever want to live where I rent.. that being said... you keep the first $100 and the remaining $700 split 1/3 each is more than fair...

Sep 22nd 2011
Rudi Hofmann (CaPortfolioLoans)
#281 ranked lender in California - 380 contributions

Talk it over with them to find an equitable solution. Sounds like they did this to help you get into this home. I suggest you approach this with a humble attitude.Happy funding, Rudi

Sep 24th 2011
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