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can i used two different lender to appraised the same property.

by larochelle307 from , California. Oct 13th 2019 Reply

You can BUT you don't order the appraisal. The lender says which appraisal group or appraiser to use unless you have a VA loan then the VA picks the appraiser.

Oct 13th 2019
Sara Deere (Mortgagequeen2)
#15 ranked lender in Missouri - 608 contributions

It is sometimes possible for two different lenders who use the same appraisal management company, "AMC, to use the same appraisal. Besides why would you wish to pay for two appraisals? Granted if you pay for the appraisal you are entitled to receive a copy of the appraisal.

Oct 14th 2019
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

I'm confused by your question. What are you looking to achieve?

Oct 15th 2019
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