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Do you process VA Rate Reduction loans without appraisals and credit checks?

by a29mom_789_894 from Fountain Valley, California. May 21st 2013 Reply

Eddie Stafford (
#485 ranked lender in California - 6 contributions

We can do with no appraisal and mortgage only credit. Please call me anytime at 714-643-5541 for details.Thank youEddie

May 21st 2013
James Mazzola (Mazzola)
#109 ranked lender in New Jersey - 314 contributions

Only if the original loan is with Well FargoI need the following:Sun National Bank is a Federally Chartered Bank who can lend nationwide. To better help you, I would like to see your financial situation. Please send me the following information for all borrowers:1. 1 Month of current pay stub's2. 2 Year W-2 Income Statements3. 2 Year 1040 Federal Tax Returns (not needed)4. 2 Year Business Tax Returns (not needed)5. 3 Months of current Bank Statements (if you own a business)6. Copy of Drivers Licenses Please forward them to:James Mazzola8 Matthew AvenueKendall Park, NJ or cornoil@comcast.netIf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me:(O) 973-805-4107(C) 732-501-4249(F) 732-951-0629Thank you,James Mazzola

May 22nd 2013
Dr. Shab Kavandi (skavandi)
#471 ranked lender in California - 53 contributions

Yes we do! It is a VA streamline loan with no appraisal! WE are specialized for these type of loan programs and therefore we do offer very competetive low rates!!! You can cal me directly at my office: 714 639 6694 or my cell 714 747 0920I look forward assisting you with you VA loan!Shab Kavandi

May 22nd 2013
J.D. Peck (TheJDPeckLendingTeam)
#44 ranked lender in Colorado - 82 contributions

There are VA IRRRL programs that allow for no appraisal to be completed (if you currently have a VA mortgage) and although you can do this with just mortgage only credit, there are still credit score requirements, and additional requirements regarding judgments and tax liens. Items such as this will need to be satisfied if applicable.

May 22nd 2013
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Technically VA guidelines allow for no appraisal and no credit report. But the VA doesn't do loans. Lenders do, and most lenders have some form of overlay rules on top of what VA "allows". Having no appraisal is pretty common, but having no credit check is basically unheard of. The closest you'll find on credit check is that a very small number of lenders will allow a "mortgage history only" credit check.

May 22nd 2013
Carlo Sanchez (MortgageLendingPro)
#0 ranked lender in Utah - 1,163 contributions

Yes, that is called an IRRL, the VA streamline, and it is recommended if you currently have a VA loan now.

May 22nd 2013
Raymond Denton (Raymond)
#10 ranked lender in Ohio - 224 contributions

Prime Lending Bank does them without Investor Overlays.

May 22nd 2013
Steven Cook (
#37 ranked lender in Washington - 256 contributions

The Bay Equity office in San Diego can help you with this. They can be reached (toll free) at 855-757-8797.

May 22nd 2013
Carlos Figueira (carlosfigueira)
#107 ranked lender in New Jersey - 199 contributions

Yes, VA streamline

May 22nd 2013
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