Looks like your question got cut off.. so in general.. if you have formally disputed an account on your credit report, then all lenders will require that you have the dispute removed from your credit report to proceed... credit reporting laws say that if you dispute an account, the weight to your credit score, positive or negative, cannot be considered until the account dispute has been resolved.. So your credit score is not properly listed when you dispute an account. it's as if that account doesn't exist.. this is an easy fix, but it can take some time unless your willing to pay extra to get the dispute removed quickly.. this is certainly something your loan officer can handle unless your dealing with a big bank.. typically, they just say "nope... we cant help you"... and move on to the next one.. your far better off using a local mortgage broker (Like myself), since we are experienced in actually moving a loan file through processing and underwriting.. most bank employees are merely an application taker.. they are mislabeled and misleading when they call themselves loan officers.. I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. 480-287-5714 WilliamAcres.com
Good Afternoon, I would be very happy to look at your documentation and help you get this resolved if possible. The loan is run through the Automated Underwriting System (DU) and the findings will determine if the file is Approved or not. From the findings, we can figure out what is actually needed. If you had previously modified your loan in any way, you will not be eligible for a HARP DU Refi Plus Refinance. I'd be happy to discuss this offline, so please feel free to send me a direct message if you'd like to discuss this in more detail! Thank you!
Do yourself a favor and contact William Acres at Velocity that responded to your post. He is the best in AZ and knows how to work with your options.
If I am understanding your question (which is cut off) - your credit report is showing a dispute with a loan servicer which you are no longer working with - and I am assuming the dispute was cleared with the transfer of servicing. If that is the case, you need to talk to a local, licensed loan professional who can help advise you one how to clear that dispute information most effectively. They can also explain to you any other wait periods you may have to meet to fully qualify for the HARP loan. If you are not currently underwater, you may want to check with them about the possibility of just doing a straight refinance, without using HARP.
Please complete your statement so we can advise!
Who was it? We are caught in suspense........
Pretty much the same answer applies.. the question is did you dispute with Fannie Mae, or did you dispute through the credit bureaus.. if you disputed through the credit bureaus, then my answer above still applies.. If you disputed through Fannie Mae, then you need an experienced loan officer to help you through this process.. disputes directly with Fannie Mae are a little different and require a lot of work to get everything cleared so you can get your approval... as I stated earlier, you need to reach out to an experienced loan officer who is local, and ditch the bank your using.. .. I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. 480-287-5714 WilliamAcres.com
You will need to resolve the issue with Fannie Mae.
Fannie will require that the account be taken out of dispute and re-run thru their automated underwriting system. You need to write a letter to Litton asking them to remove the dispute and have them provide something to you in writing stating they have removed the dispute from the account. You will then need to provide the letter from them to the three reporting agencies so they can remove the dispute from that tradeline. Once they have removed it, your loan officer will need to re-run the updated credit report thru Fannie's automated underwriting system and they should get an an approval. Your loan officer should be able to assist you in getting your credit report corrected once Litton removes the dispute from the account.
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