Credit repair may be the way to go but time is needed to make this work. There a plenty of Scam Artists out there right now taking advantage of good people who have credit problems. Make sure you contact the Better Business Bureau to check out any Credit repair company you choose to work with. Realize that legitimate bad debts may or may not be removed by the bureaus. It all depends on just how busy your creditors are at the moment they are contacted and whether they can meet the time frame required to respond. In many cases after the initial response from legitimate creditors, scores have declined even more because the bad debts have been verified as true. The bottom line is credit repair can improve credit in some cases where there are mistakes and in some cases where creditors are too busy but in all cases it is still a crap shoot and never guaranteed.
Yes there is hope. Do you have any current new established debt, besides your student loans? Have you had credit run with all three bureaus? Do you know what your score is? Have you talked with a reputable Credit Repair Company? If not I can recommend you one. Thanks.John Le Francoiswww.lasvegasmtg.com702-271-2659
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