If you are having sight issues, then the best way to apply for a loan would be to contact a mortgage lender and provide the necessary information over the phone, as a telephone application is an allowable means to complete a mortgage loan application. At the time you begin the loan process and receive disclosures from the lender, it would be wise to discuss what you are receiving with the Loan Officer/Originator before you E-sign/Wet-sign to indicate your acknowledgment of receipt. You may also wish to have someone who is not visibly impaired present, so that they can ensure the information is understood and matches what is reflected on the disclosures. If you would like further advice on how this process can work, please feel free to call or text me at 651-497-6770 or email me at dyoungs@progressivels.com. Thanks for your question!
With any personal issues, including poor sight, all lenders will be very accommodating to your needs, and will figure out a way to make it work for you. Just ask.
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