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How long until my credit score recovers?

I've consistently been late on my credit card payments for 5 months and my credit score dropped about 30 points. I can finally start making payments on time. How long until it recovers? by juliano626 from Sondheimer, Louisiana. Oct 22nd 2019 Reply

The best way to rebuild your credit after a dip would be to focus on paying one of those cards down to 30% of the credit limit. Then move on to the next one. It will take time but it will get there.

Oct 22nd 2019
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

The answer is part of the mystery of credit scoring... No one can really answer that question, but generally expect it to take longer than you'd probably like. Scoring models will want to see a sustained pattern of on time payments again to figure out if that issue appears truly over, and if you are OK again to start moving up your score. Generally the pattern I see on credit reports is figure a good year of clean history. Sorry...

Oct 24th 2019
Dave Skow (daveskow)
#15 ranked lender in Washington - 455 contributions

what are scores now ? fyi - if you are several days late on the payment , this likely wont trigger a late on the credit report ...normally you need to be over 30 days late in order for it to register on the credit bureaus ...I would recommend finding out how the credit looks now so you have a baseline to work with when making payments

Oct 28th 2019
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