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I am a Texas Veteran Honorable. Full Eligbility Never Used What are my Options?

What are my options after being a Poster Child for this? My wife is a Broker, Accountant Professional St, Mary's San Antonio..I have almost a 6 figure income even without her yet this HAPPENED TO ME so lets see how good you all are? This is factual and I literally should be on the poster for a recent Federal Ruling. I was one of the victims of the Wells Fargo Fiasco I am simply waiting for my cash. They messed up bad and have admitted it. Anyone who has the answer gets my loan.My income is : No bills except 2 cars $603 and 497.00 no real debt I couldn't wipe out in 2 seconds but THIS HAPPENED TO ME.I'll even throw in a $1000 bucks finders fee. I want to use my Texas Veteran benefits and combine that with my regular VA. by garygo_699_377 from San Antonio, Texas. Nov 28th 2012 Reply

William J Acres (William_Acres)
#75 ranked lender in Arizona - 8,728 contributions

Hey Gary.. I read your letter and it sounds like you have been through the ringer for sure, especially someone who has dedicated their service to protect our country... here are your options... keep in mind, that we're having to go back to the very same banks that screwed you over, so it's the guidelines set forth by the government and by the lenders that dictate who gets approved and who doesn't... because there's a foreclosure as part of your file, you are required to wait 2 years to be eligible for VA financing.. 3 years for FHA.. if you win your lawsuit, then you will be able to remove the foreclosure from your credit report.. However it would have to be removed prior to your application if you're trying to get a mortgage prior to the mandatory 2-3 year waiting period... When it comes to mortgages, there's really not much flexibility in the rules... all loan products go through an "Automated System" for approvals, and although they can be massaged a bit to produce different results, the foreclosure is something that cannot be overlooked, even if it's being reported erroneously... until it's removed, or you have met the mandatory waiting periods, you will not be able to qualify for a mortgage.. So Sorry I cannot give you the answer you want to hear.. I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. 480-287-5714

Nov 29th 2012
Bert Carpenter (BertCarpenter)
#37 ranked lender in Arizona - 2,431 contributions

I am not licensed to lend in Texas, so it does not matter what you are the Poster child for, or victim of, I can't help you. Good luck in your quest. ~ Bert Carpenter, The LoansA2z team of NOVA Home Loans ~ NMLS 40586 ~ Licensed in California and Arizona ~ 888-889-9950

Nov 29th 2012
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Poster child for what? What happened to you? I'm guessing a foreclosure or bankruptcy. That being the case, when obtaining a new VA loan, the basic waiting period is 2-years for both of those cases. There is a 12 - 23 month exception for extenuating circumstances, but don't count on that. Extenuating circumstances exceptions are incredibly rare. If you had a chapter 13, there is a 1-year waiting period.

Nov 29th 2012
Phil Dumouchel (PhilDu)
#32 ranked lender in South Carolina - 2,249 contributions

You can purchase a home with 100% financing, no PMI and no VA funding fee, but you must meet guidelines for mortgage approval including credit requirements. Really need more information about what happened to you, "Well Fargo fiasco" really doesn't tell us enough other than to hint at a probable issue with a foreclosure. If so and Wells was in the wrong they will need to confirm that but the "devil is in the details". As Joe said previously if there was a foreclosure and it is reported on your credit that could be an obstacle depending on the timing and what you have from Wells admitting their error. Also, I could not get the web link you posted to work.

Nov 29th 2012
Travis Torcoletti (travis.torcoletti)
#0 ranked lender in South Carolina - 372 contributions

You never explain what you were a "victim" of or "the poster child for" but my guess is a foreclosure and if that was the case then there are no options for you until the foreclosure has either been reversed/undone, which I've never seen but suppose is possible in a lawsuit, or 2 years have gone by...that is 2 years from the date the property was deeded to a new owner and not from the date of foreclosure.

Nov 29th 2012
Michelle Curtis Loan Originator NMLS 401173 (MichelleCurtisLO)
#77 ranked lender in Florida - 2,245 contributions

Not sure what happened to you?

Nov 29th 2012
Brad Cahoone (
#87 ranked lender in Texas - 1,042 contributions

Gary, Your best bet is to call a licensed Texas mortgage loan officer working at a mortgage broker or banker and consult with them in full detail. They can provide you options based on the details you provide about your circumstances. If I may be of service please call or work with someone you or comfortable with that is experienced and knowledgeable and won't just tell you what you want to hear. We cannot do finders fees in mortgages as it would be considered an illegal kickback. Your best bet may be a private loan with seller financing if it was very recent or if it has been long enough depending on what it was you may qualify for VA. Good luck and call me if I can be of assistance. Brad Cahoone - 972-724-3222 - -

Nov 29th 2012

Dear Travis, First thank you for the post is a VA. . , and frankly I am surprised that only one has even mentioned being through the ringer.But that does not mean I don't appreciate the advise. Thank you all. In a way I guess my question is a Rhetorical one. I " ASSUMED" the link had been followed and read. So in order to avoid assumptions lets point out my irrefutable facts. 1. I have been fighting my suit 13 Months. I just found this yesterday because I subscribe to the A. THESE ARE TWO PROGRAMS WITH MONEY ON THE FLOOR.I'm putting it down. I hope you pick it up. If I were a Remax Agent again I would dig up all my old files and meet with Investors and set up a Lending Institution for people damaged by this fiasco. "It's the largest multistate settlement since the Tobacco Settlement in 1998," the attorneys general said on a website devoted to explaining the settlement to homeowners who may be affected. ( THE TOBACCO INDUSTRY HAD NEVER BEEN PENETRATED ) Nobody ever thought it would and it was all over the news. Now a settlement by our Government is on a scale so large it's beyond imagination yet I found out about this by shear accident yesterday,You would think the Banks who caused this unprecedented event would have been forced to set up a loan deal for all those who were injured.On October 4, 2011 my house was foreclosed on. Sold on the Court house steps. My Son who works in the "White house" now was moving in with us as we just sold his house. He didn't know how long DOM would my did a BPO and CMA then we we made arrangements for hos family to with us. While I am moving this guys walks up on October 25 and hands me an eviction notice. Now On October 1,2011 my Mortgage payment was drawn of of WELLS FARGO bank and Wired to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. That's not even a business day after an out draft. I could not get anyone to help. NOBODY! So I hired a Lawyer and we just kept moving. I figured mistake, AGAIN, and I will go to small claims as I had just been served and explain the situation. You know what I got for that? Judge and I quote:Mr. Goel, I know what's happening. However the laws are so primitive that EVICTION and OWNER SHIP are two issues. If the person bought the home on the court house steps, in a legal manner then he is the owner. They are separate issues. So he emphatically and passionately apologized even though I showed him my Bank Statement. Worst yet between those dates I couldn't get Wells Fargo to stop drafting Payments out because I could not reach anyone. So without notice, and three payments sucked out of Wells Fargo Bank into Wells Fargo Home Mortgage and seeing the others even after the foreclosure. He told me I had to go. He was as sincere as could be. I could see and feel it but I had to accept the fact that my house had been stolen. Moving out in front of all my Neighbors 13 Months ago when Nobody cared was extremely humiliating. My family did not know until yesterday. I just told them I bought a new house. Cash. Wiped me out. A small tiny house. So in an instant I went to only having 5 years left on my 30 Year Note. I paid 73K for the house. Now it's probably doubled. I paid my own moving expenses, law suit, and it's been hell. I am not ashamed anymore. I can post the PDF law suit and my bank statements for you to look at. You would be shocked. NOBODY CARED. Now we have this Huge Ruling and nobody knows. Here is the first place I made in 2011 advised by a dear loved one who happens to be a Underwriter for Wells Fargo. She tracked my mistake to a person hitting an escape key instead of another key, which is common as dirt. It then Automatically goes to a "FORECLOSURE MILL"Attorneys have a huge Foreclosure Mill in Dallas. I lost my house, dignity, for speed and greed efficiency. You ask me for any document I can provide it. Wells won't even correct my credit report! They signed with all the other banks.Now let me inform you of another thing. I was a poor kid. I grew up hard. I am 51 and remember getting our first Air Conditioner when I was in High School. I joined the U.S.A.F. because I wanted to be somebody. I was in Turkey for Iran Hostage Deal, flown out in the middle of the night from Germany, only to notice our F4 Phatom Escorts were not carrying Blue INERT practice AIM-9 Training Heat seekers. We were in the mountans in Germany with Nukes and always on call. I earned my 417.00 a month. When I got out, I put myself through school while raising three kids. My wife too. I use to get up to work at 4:45 to drive from our 450 square foot house so my wife could drop me off. I would then work till 5:00 then Go to school till 10:00 p.m. Now let me drop some more reality on you. I actually looked at my business Income Statement and I netted about $30 to $35K this month. I am the owner of and taught myself chemistry and founded this organization and put a system and organization together so strong that the Attorney General of Texas called me personally and was talking price fixing, and all this other b.s. and I told him......#$$%%^^& NO GLORIFIED OVER PRICED NOTARY PUBLIC is taking anything from me. I fought it and won. But this was blatant theft. I have a credit score of 580, so I posted this here to bring awareness and ask help from the industry that I actually LEFT to because I was my very first customer of my own . I had bought an Investment Property in a fire sales, All cash deal but it had a potential $150 LOW PRICE PER SQUARE foot worse case scenario. I saved about $25 K when in passing while showing my friend the project and trying to get a deal on paint as he Paint chemist for Sherwin Williams. I made an off hand comment like " MAN THESE ARE ALL SOLID BUT THE LIME GREEN, COUNTERs, Pink and Black tile baths were needing update to bad I can't paint them. He was not following me anymore and just stood there staring and he said you know it may be possible if we use POLANE B a Sherwin Williams Product. Well it worked out, and I was so happy when I saw my HUD 1 Closing Cost statement and decided to pursue the fact that I thought Realtors would love this. The rest is history that was in 1996. Now here I am with 3 Locations in Texas, 200 Locations in the U.S. as dealers of my own brand and products, with a 580 credit score kicked out of my own house like friggen dog. So I am not ashamed anymore. And my Question is still valid. I earned my VA benefits. Blood Sweat and Cash.I am sick to death that other Vets are returning home to empty homes Foreclosed on while fighting for our freedom as I did. So all I want is to be able to spread the word for you and your clients. There are two programs below. ******* WHATEVER HAPPENED TO A LETTER OF EXPLANATION ***** or ********* being able to talk to a real lender and be able to look down and review the truth and make good decision. Nobody will make a decision. They are so afraid to lose their jobs if they think for themselves. Bottom line for me. I have lived my life as a hard charge. Take it easy or take it by force. No means yes to me. I am wondering if we all banded our brains together and Approached some lenders with the PACKAGE shown below offering loans to PEOPLE not a Credit Score. But that's LA LA Land. The Question still stands. Can Anyone help me use what I raised my Right Hand for and swore that even if it cost me my life, I would protect this land from enemies foreign and domestic. I would rather be shooting at some here with my M-16 then abroad. ( Domestic Enemies.) So there it is. You ask me for anything and I will produce hard cold tangible irrefutable facts. Not opinions or speculations. I know the difference. I just want to know if there is anyone you do business with will consider my application for VA. 1.,AAAAD2CGfQE~,o7E-F2eteXOq24Nb1BSfw9-MMjWzkave&bcpid=720309829001&bckey=AQ~~,AAAAD2CGfQE~,o7E-F2eteXMoEVLLY98AnOfR2ME8A5iN&bctid=16489142310012.**** I think someone deleted their reply ****** They asked " WHAT WELLS FARGO FIASCO? **** Dude, did they drop Mortgage license requirements like Wells Fargo Purposely hiring people unqualified to sign documents or perform the tasks at hand? Anyone who asks what Wells Fargo Fiasco in the Lending business, may want to consider another trade. I think it was a smart move to delete it. I was about to go mid evil but decided I am simply frustrated by the lack of awareness to an event that SET A NEW RECORD for the United States in regards to Mortgages and Banks who cause your unknown fiasco that entitles American to a FREE Audit where it would be impossible to NOT to find a mistake. If every person who had a loan since 2008 would complete that form online the minimum pay out would be $849 to each request. Yet the deadline is in a month. So imagine a Mortgage Pie with a $849.00 Slice if EVERYONE would do it. Yet nobody knows. There is money on the floor. I am putting it down. Will you pick it up. Imagine an IRS audit going line by line with a dollar amount already assigned to each infraction only it's the U.S. Treasury Agent: Here are the pay out frame works.*************** ONE LAST CAVEAT ******** there are two Programs. Make sure you get your people into both. ***** time is of the essence ***Oh and please help a brother out. 210.822.9393 cell 210.381.6111I put up my PDF file so you can read the suit. If anyone wants to see the banks statements I talked about just ask. But I hope by now you believe me. So I don't feel like a loser anymore. Oh and here is my Last PDF Entitled this Happened to me. Share it, use it, I am no longer ashamed. Why did I feel ashamed? Because people who that ask questions like what Mortgage Fiasco are prolific then ones who are informed and were exactly the type of people that would look down on you when you tell you have to start the conversation out with " Man what happened ? I thought your business was doing great.? "With no media to point at and nothing to let the American People know most pre-judged. That hurt me. I was proud of my accomplishments. I don't care about money anymore. I lost my mentor a year ago a Texas Multi Millionaire who I had to interpret documents for because he was a product of a rape. A literal Door Step Baby, who taught me never to confuse Education with Intelligence. He also taught me an Honest mans Pillow is his peace of mind. When I walked up to his " BEAUTIFUL COFFIN" his great grandson my nephew only 3 said asked?Why is Grandpa in the Treasure Chest? How is that for Irony?My Attorney is Martin Cantu :

Nov 29th 2012

One last thing. I am sorry for the links being so small. I have no control. You just need to cut and paste just be careful what you grab as they are so close together. Thanks Again,

Nov 29th 2012
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