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i found a house in knightstown indiana that i would like to know more about. I would also like to go look at it. Who do i contact

by cbertsch04694 from Indianapolis, Indiana. May 24th 2018 Reply

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May 24th 2018

Hello - I have an answer for you. I'd like for you to call Mary - 765.520.7843 - if you're interested in that property. I'd also like for you to call me - Joel - 317.450.8394 - if you're needing a mortgage to buy it. We'd both be happy to help. Thanks for the message! Let's get together soon to discuss details.

May 24th 2018
Steven Brand (stevenbrand)
#2 ranked lender in Minnesota - 121 contributions

The first answer has the most important detail... just looking at the home without being approved is putting the Cart before the Horse. You need to have a licensed Loan Originator pull your credit and review your income/assets documents to confirm your eligibility first. That is the crucial part of the process. Send a message to a Loan Originator (like me) first... then we will hook you up with a solid Realtor. Steve@StevenBrandHomeLoansDOTCOM or 612.386.5306

May 24th 2018
Terry Shepard (
#57 ranked lender in Indiana - 1 contribution

Do you have a Realtor? Happy to connect you with an agent to help. As well, I can assist with financing. Terry Shepard NMLS 147345 Southwest Funding 317-339-0071

May 24th 2018
William J Acres (William_Acres)
#75 ranked lender in Arizona - 8,728 contributions

Get with a local mortgage banker/broker and get your loan going.. they also have real estate agent referral partners that can get you into the home to look.. but understand that no agent is going to take you out looking without knowing you have the ability to pay for the home,,, either by paying cash or if you have to finance it.. if you have cash, then be sure to provide proof of funds to the agent.. if you are financing, then your loan officer will provide a pre-approval letter.. I'm a preferred Lender with California and Arizona being my primary markets. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. 480-287-5714 NMLS# 226347 / LendUS, NMLS 1938/ AZMB0121893

May 25th 2018
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