You can find out which lender Originated the loan by researching the Deed of Trust from the county records, but that may not tell you who is currently servicing the loan. The owner should know. You could ask them, but I'm not sure why they would tell you, but you could ask. ~ Bert Carpenter, The LoansA2z Team of NEXA Mortgage ~ NMLS 40586 ~ Licensed in AZ, CA, GA, IL, OR & WA... In fact, NEXA is licensed in all states except MA and NY and we are pending approval in VA, so give us a call. ~ 480-889-9000.
The quick answer is usually not easily. Start with searching county records. This should tell you the original lender, but of course loans are transferred around on a regular basis, and the record may no longer be accurate. Next, when people ask me this, it is usually because they hope to reach out to the lender to make an offer. The reality they probably won't even talk to you. The property will have to go through the normal foreclosure process, which may take awhile. Good luck. I lend in MN WI IA SD ND. Find me at - Cambria Mortgage, NMLS 274132
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