Most lender require a score of 640 or higher. You may find some internet lender who will go lower but if you have some credit issues you are better off dealing with someone local who can help you clean up your credit and increase your score. Rates are risk based. The lower the score the higher the rate. I work a lot with helping people fix there credit and i know how to do it the right way. I am local right up the street in Indianapolis. Call me and lets discuss your situation. 317-566-6127
There are lenders out there that will lend to borrowers with scores in the 500's, however understand that the lower the score the more stringent the guidelines will be and few that apply actually get approved.. that being said, it takes so much more than a credit score to get approved.. credit, type of credit, income, type of income, job, assets, charge offs, collections, BK, Foreclosure, Repo's.. even if your score was 750, and you had some of these major derogatory items, you could get denied.. so the real question is "WHY?" why is your score so low.. unless someone can look at your complete scenario, it's hard for anyone to say, so the best advice I can give you is to contact a LOCAL mortgage broker and apply with them. It's the only way you will know for sure.. Do not use the local "Big" bank, or one of those 50 states internet lenders or nationwide lenders...By applying with your LOCAL Broker, you have an advantage because he's familiar with local customs and works with numerous lenders, seeking out the best loan terms for your particular scenario. Because he has lower overhead, he can offer you lower rates and lower fees than most of the larger lenders.. I'm a Broker here in Scottsdale AZ and I only lend in Arizona. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. 480-287-5714
you can find some fha lenders who will do it. or you could put 30-40% down with a portfolio lender.
FHA is the best program for this because it will allow Non-Traditional Tradelines. With a true No Score we can help call me to discuss your situation. Huron Valley Financial lends in Indian and we can help you. 517-240-3015
Most lenders require a credit score of 640 or higher, but I would talk with a local lender. They may know someone who can help you increase your scores.
Most lenders require a credit score of at least 640.Find a local lender in your area and see if they are able to get you qualified. You might need to look at an FHA loan.
Technically yes. FHA allows for scores in that range. Realistically, while those score are technically allowable, very few lenders will even look at you with a score below 640, and those who do... It is more than just a credit score to get approved. If your score is that low, there is usually something else within the file that will get you denied. I suggest forgetting about getting a loan and focus on improving credit. When credit is improved, then look at loans.
Your possible option is a private lender, with 30% to 40% down. Otherwise, work on your credit score.
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