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Looking for a lender who will finance construction build in a flood zone

by r.shannon23666 from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Jul 12th 2017 Reply

If you tell me more its not impossible to do.. pete 347 875 7506 or email me...I have a questions , total cost, who is bulding, do you own the lot, what is your planned down payment, are just a few,, reach out out to me , it doesnt cost anything to have a conversation

Jul 12th 2017

Just got word,, yes we can do it, interest only during construction, then into a fixed 30yr term.. .. ..

Jul 12th 2017
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Just about any lender who normally does construction loans should offer it. You may run into someone who doesn't, but generally, all that is required additionally is flood insurance because it is in a flood zone.

Jul 13th 2017
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