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Looking for a lender with the best rates..any suggestions???

I am going to refinance and I just would like to do a couple more comparisons. Right now Wells Fargo is giving me a good deal, but I want to make sure I can't beat it!Anyone have any favorite lenders? by benny5548 from Houston, Texas. Apr 4th 2011 Reply

Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Who has the best rates? Everyone! Quoting is easy. Anyone can quote. Having an accurate quote and actually delivering on that quote is a whole different story. While interest and closing costs are logical things to "shop" for, they are only part of your search. Getting a perceived good deal on the wrong product can be very costly, as can the headache and surprise later on if an unlicensed bank rep gives you a bad quote. The company you get your loan at doesn't mean a lot. It is all about the person who is handling the largest financial transaction of your life. You see, there are licensed and unlicensed loan officers. Never work with an unlicensed person. Go to the federal loan officer database at to verify. If the loan officers name is there, they have a license. If not, they don't. Try it and see. Type in my name, and you'll see I am licensed in MN and WI (NMLS # 274132)Banks rarely have the best deals in the market. You don't need to call 20 lenders, but if you've check with the bank, and two or three other LOCAL lenders, you will have shopped sufficiently enough to make a good decision.

Apr 5th 2011
Chris Kelso (Chris Kelso)
#7 ranked lender in Texas - 11 contributions

I can be reached at 713.355.7100 or for any loans in Texas, Florida, Colordo, Arkansas or Oklahoma.

Apr 4th 2011
Hugh Duckett (duante.duckett)
#12 ranked lender in Maryland - 10 contributions

SunTrust can beat any rate and has the better service than Wells Fargo. All of our processing is done in house. That really makes a difference when you in the loan process. Call me 800-735-0525 x 6304. H. Duante Duckett - Sales Manager

Apr 4th 2011
Marty Stern (rubicon1020)
#438 ranked lender in California - 74 contributions

HI - well, I could also say just contact me for best rates and best service, BUT, you actually can get significant comparison information by looking for a website that lists and compares rates from various lenders. Just Google something like Comparison of Mortgage rates and check out some of the sites that are listed. Happy shopping!

Apr 4th 2011
Gianni Cerretani (mortgagegodfather)
#32 ranked lender in Georgia - 238 contributions

Good afternoon, You are never going to get accurate figures working with the bigger banks like wells fargo and or going online. There are far too many teaser adds that claim rates that just are not even feasible or they show you a varaible rate and trick you into believing its fixed for 30 years when it is only fixed for 1, 3 or 5 years. If you really want the best service and most accurate rates you need pick a banker you trust and make sure he or she watches the market to get you the best possible rate and program available. If I can be of any assistance I would love to help. I have plenty of past clients that would be happy to speak with you on my behalf and other business professionals that would recommend my services. Have a great day and good luck with everything if we do not speak!Sincerely,Gianni Cerretani SENIOR MORTGAGE BANKER"Old fashioned business done with modern day thinking"Main Line: 678-381-2272 xt. 229 Direct: 678-381-2264 Cell: 404-213-9663 Fax: First Community Mortgage Inc., a Division of First Community Bank"Putting the Needs of the Community FIRST" 1455 Lincoln ParkwaySuite 260 Atlanta, GA 30346

Apr 5th 2011
Rudi Hofmann (CaPortfolioLoans)
#281 ranked lender in California - 380 contributions

In today's market you need to find someone that you are comfortable knowing it will fund. Service is what you should be shopping for. Today 25% of loan applications don't fund. The primary reason is in how the loan is packaged and submitted. The lowest rate is useless if it doesn't close. ... Happy funding, Rudi

Apr 6th 2011
Rick Pelleriti (RickPelleriti)
#366 ranked lender in California - 59 contributions

Anyone can quote a rate, but it is the rate you lock that is of any importance.I show my borrowers the actual wholesale rates and prices - so you see what I see.It is unethical for anyone to claim they have the "best rates."You also may want to notice who can communicate accurately. Only one other loan officer on this page was free of typos.It is a detail oriented business - work with someone you trust. We all have the same lender sources - or we are very close.

Apr 5th 2011
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