It depends. Do you still own the property? Does the original security Instrument (ie: a deed of trust (DofT)) show up on a title search? That would be treated as a lien. It would be treated differently depending on whether the property was lost in a foreclosure or a short sale. How is it reported on your credit report? Many times in a foreclosure, it is written off as a loss, in a short sale (SS) they must agree to accept whatever they are allowed when they agreed to the SS as full settlement and they cannot come after you for the difference. If you still own the property, and there is no lien or DofT, then a new underwriter will usually treat it as an unsecured debt that was charged off. If the property was lost to a foreclosure, most underwriters will treat it as a foreclosed debt and you are subject to the penalty periods imposed by the loan program you are applying for. Talk to a licensed Mortgage Professional for guidance on how their local underwriter will treat your situation. ~ Bert Carpenter, The LoansA2z Team of NEXA Mortgage ~ NMLS 40586 ~ Licensed in Arizona, California, Georgia, Oregon, and Washington. Need help in other states? We've got you covered. NEXA Mortgage is licensed in 46 states ~ 480-889-9000.
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