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Maximum LTV for HARP 2?

What is the max we borrow against? 125%? by Sindad_578_733 from Ashford, Oregon. Mar 1st 2012 Reply

Ralph Richard Guertin (
#58 ranked lender in Georgia - 807 contributions

The version that is out now the max ltv is 125% on Fannie and 105% on 2 weeks the full version is due to be live and there isn't a max, if you meet the other requirements...

Mar 1st 2012

for rate and term refi's as long as you meet the investor requirements, there is no limit- I am taking applications now- if your loan is owned by FNME you may not need an appraisal. If you want more information- call me 541-868-2660

Mar 1st 2012
William J Acres (William_Acres)
#75 ranked lender in Arizona - 8,728 contributions

I'm assuming you're talking about refinancing; as HARP 2 is only a refinance program... the max LTV under HARP 2 is Unlimited... there are no LTV restrictions. Lender's may or may not participate in this program, but as far as FNMA, its Unlimited...

Mar 1st 2012
Bert Carpenter (BertCarpenter)
#37 ranked lender in Arizona - 2,431 contributions

Harp 2.0 which rolls out March 17, has no LTV cap for qualifying mortgages. A qualifying mortgage is one currently owned by Fannie or Freddie and negative equity, delivered to them before June 1, 2009. For purchases and non-HARP 2.0 loans, 100% is the max, depending on the loan type and your eligibility. For a clearer answer, please provide more details. ~ Bert Carpenter, The LoansA2z team of NOVA Home Loans ~ NMLS 40586 ~

Mar 1st 2012
Randy Free (
#18 ranked lender in Oregon - 54 contributions

Harp 2.0 should be fully implemented on March 17. Although FNME has stated that their is no LTV cap for qualifying rate-and-term mortgages that are "owned" by either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac (and delivered to them before June 1, 2009), some lenders are waiting on what the investors will accept (e.g. mortgage insurance transferability). When you say, "borrow against" are you trying to receive "cash-out" of a refinance? Is so, this is not allowed with a HARP 2.0 loan. HARP 2.0 is only for obtaining a lower rate (and with reduced fees). Opes Advisors is a direct lender with Fannie Mae and we have our underwriters and doc preparers in our building. For local, honest and clear options, I would be happy to look-over and advise you on your scenario. For further clarification, please call Randy Free at 541-984-5626 Ext.111

Mar 1st 2012
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