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My boyfriend of 8 mos wants to buy a house

I trust him but I want to be smart about it. Is there anything I should do to protect my investment before I jump commit to buying a house with him? by rhavyn718 from Blaine, Maine. Oct 21st 2019 Reply

Find a local lender and ask this questions. State law varies and you definitely need advice before you do this. You can also contact any title company and they will guide you. Be smart.

Oct 22nd 2019
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Being married just means it is a bit harder to 'breakup' :). If you are both on the loan, you will both be legal owners of the house. Neither one of you can sell or refinance without the knowledge of signature of the other person, so you are automatically protected. If only he is buying, then you will need him to add you to title after the fact with a document known as a Quit Claim deed.

Oct 24th 2019
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