I have a apartment complex that is located on 2836 wyandot st denver colorado 80213 it's considered hylands area great location needing quick cash to close on another property. Wyandot is free and clear and has 23 units all occupied if any one is willing to help but need cash by Tuesday 1.2 million also have another property but isn't paid off yet in full owe 400,000 on it located at 3206 Osage st. please let me know if any one is interested in a quick loan to help me close this other property. by otwelldawn@live.com from bayfield, Colorado. Jul 24th 2015
Please give me a call to discuss 443-320-9788. e should be able to get you at least 65% LTV on the free and clear property.
We should be able to accommodate that loan. 443-320-9788
Why Hard money??
Give me a call here in Colorado. I have several hard money lenders that are in the downtown Denver area. My office number is 303-955-5606 and mobile number is 720-837-7295. My email is mhemingway@sfslend.com.
I have a local guy that is good with these loans, his name is Frank and he can be reached at 720-935-4921
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