I’ll be graduating from nursing school next year and I plan to buy a new house. I’ve heard that 2 years full time in school is equal to a 2 year job history as long as you have a full time job after...
We want to invest in AirBnB properties and we want to use equity in our primary residence for a mortgage cash out refinance. We have 4.25 years left on a 15 year loan at 2.75% interest with $140k remain...
My best buddy and I are buying a property together. He’ll be putting up the capital and my role is to get the cash flow coming in for monthly payments. I want to be in the title but not necessarily on...
Hello everyone, I am a newbie in real estate investing and I plan to buy my first property which is a duplex in the San Bernardino area in CA. A loan officer approached me and I inquired about gov’t p...
A new home is available and I plan to buy it as an investment. It is a new construction and I am getting my loan through the builder. They told me that I have to purchase a minimum of 3 mortgage points ...
I am buying a second home in Boulder. I own my first home and the loan is fully paid. I am ready to close this month but I need to pay a down payment of $12k for a roof replacement for my first home. Is...
I have a chance to refinance with an offer from my lender. From 3.25% to 2.625% and a 30 year term with 23 years left to a 20 year term. I still have $328k unpaid principal and will end up paying around...
Currently I have a 30 year fixed rate mortgage with a balance of $362,000 at a fixed rate of 2.375%. My home would appraise for approximately $500,000. I am retired and expect to sell our home within th...
I own a home in CA and I would like to buy another home and keep the current one as a rental. I want to apply for HELOC before I start the new home loan process. I want to know if i should apply for HEL...
An owner of a duplex in Sacramento is giving me a good deal at $375k but I need to close the deal in the next few weeks. I can’t afford a down payment right now and I need between 20% to 30% quickly. ...
I work as a firefighter in Boulder and it’s common for us to have “side jobs” given our erratic schedule. I am a newbie real estate investor who plans to invest in multi-unit properties to start. ...
I am interested in purchasing a 5 unit property in Dayton, OH. I moved to another state and I’m looking for a lender that would lend to out-of-state investors without any problems. It’s frustrating ...
I am trying to buy my first property but my concern is I don’t have a traditional job. I only get commissions from selling Christmas trees during November and December but I have enough money to buy m...
We own a duplex on 19 acres in South Dakota and we want to refinance. Duplex and land worth $1.4million and we want to borrow $1million to purchase new development land. Our current loan is a jumbo and ...
I am a US Expat working in Manila, Philippines. I was born in California and I would want to invest in properties there before I retire. I want to know the steps on getting a mortgage given my situation...
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