The property is owned tenants in common by my father and my uncle. My uncle wants out of his share and I will be replacing him as the new tenant in common alongside my father (I am not currently on deed...
are extensions being given because of the conronavirus crisis?
is it true, about lenders potentially being in trouble?
Is it unethetical that the LO didn't address the loan and gave them a preapproval for $250K
Have VA loan home now rented do any new loan programs help me
FICO 610, sel-employed $17,400/month income. dti 45%. prop value is $749,900. have downpayment of $22,000. can you help me? and how long will i have to wait before I can apply for jumbo mortgage again?
we are looking for a construction loan to have a built in the factory amish log cabin put on our already purchased & paid for property , & to finish off the interior once on property. We are in TN. VA...
It's nearly impossible to get my mortgage company on the phone right now.. I am trying to fnd out more on the forbarance program in the CARES Act. Is it accurate I can request a pause on payments for u...
las vegas, Northern area.
my credit score hovers around 580 to 640. i pay my bills on time n credit reflects that. just med bills holding me down. have a home, current value is 250,000 to 275,000. need to tap into its equity to ...
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