My real estate agent has not put in my bid on a home I'm dead set on. I've contacted him 4x this week alone, and he says it's not him, it's the lender who is holding up the financing process by not givi...
I am not clear on what is the difference is between interest rate and apr? Thanks :)
How long do I have to wait after I purchase, to apply for a home equity loan?
Hi - I'm working on my credit at the moment to purchase my first home in December. I have pulled my score from a few places, my bank, credit karma and experian credit monitoring and score package i pay...
I have 21. tried to get a home and a new car last year in between January and march, along with quite a few major Credit cards. I was declined for the house, car and a few cards, but have 4 major cards ...
My rental home needs major repairs and improvements in order to sell and not be upside down and it is not in a condition to rent at the time. can i get a home improvement loan against my home somehow st...
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