my home is completely paid off and we are looking to move out of state. Can I take a loan on my current home to assist in a down payment for my new home?
I need one who can provide me options for FHA, 203K, etc., To determine the best route for me to take
I have a manufactured home that is located in a park on land that I rent. Do you refinance this type of mobile home situation? It is a 2008, 2000 square-foot under air home. My home was purchased for $1...
I have a high interest rate and poor credit. I don't know if i would even qualify to refi but i need lower payments. Is there a way I can extend my mortgage with the current interest rate?
My mother passed away in 1999 and left the rental property in Long Beach, CA to me and my brother (VALUE $566K, BALANCE $152K). The payment history is excellent and even getting ready to pay off early (...
I have been self employed for 5 years and this has been my only job. I am 28 and have a Masters Degree, have income of $62k/annually, debit is 20% ($2,800/mo) and FICO is 598. I am working on my credit ...
I would rather pay up front (lump sum payment) for property taxes, homeowners insurance and PMI payments, but my loan officer is telling me my lender requires the borrower to open an escrow account. I d...
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