I had my own foreclosure 15 months ago and need advice on the next step
My nephew is walking away from is home and I am the co-signer. I have my own house I am trying to hold on to and cannot take on his house as well. What issues am I going to endure with this?
I have been with PHFA for about 8 years, one late payment. Can I refinance with a different company or is it best to stick it out with this one. 30year mortgage I have now.
If I do a deed in lieu rather than a short sale will my second home (which was left to me by my brother two years ago as an inheritance) be subjected to a lien by the lender? Or is bankruptcy an option?
1. How can I find someone to work with locally 2. What is considered a good mortgage rate? 3. How do I know whether I qualify and for how much?
I want to change the rate becasue it is high and I think i can get better.The loan 80/20: owe 229k on the first owe 99k on second My house is worth about 310k right now. I have about 30k in cash but I a...
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