Looking for a Portfolio Non-Warrant-able Condo Lender in Colorado. Have an excellent credit, income 65k, 1 yr tax returns and looking to put 10% down. Condo priced at 85k in Colorado Springs.
Looking at a property with 80acres and single family home. Large properties are common in my area(MI). Lender told me parcel must be split 30-40acres+house and then a vacant 40-50 acres. Problem is i ca...
Hi, I am real estate agent and sometimes I see homes in MLS that when they purchased for particular amount the mortgage twice bigger , please explain how it is possible.
I'm hoping to purchase my first home this upcoming winterr and i'm curious on how much i would qualify for a home loan, if im able to qualify for one. I'm 23 with a credit score of 765 and a monthly inc...
Looking for an 80/15/5 loan for a 545k single family property in WV. I have excellent credit and make about 195k per year but only have about 25-30k to put down. Are there any lenders doing this?
I had a short sale in 2014 and built my credit back up to 710, I only have about 6% to put down. Can I get a loan?
I'm looking to purchase my first home around Oct-Nov. I am curious as to how early I should looked to get pre-approved so that I may begin to actually look and make offers on houses? Also, how long do p...
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