We currently own the property, free and clear, that the house will be built on and we have a closing date to sell our current house so we are looking for a construction loan that will roll over to perm...
Found a neat property i would love to buy. It ia commercial store front, detached with a luxury apartment upstairs. Then there is a giant warehouse outback with an full upstairs. The price is less th...
I've been getting more positive feedback for a HELOC rather than a cash out refi. What are positives that I am not understanding?
bought 6 months ago for $479,000 with an FHA loan. Home is now estimated to be worth $508,000 and rising! how soon should i refi to get rid of the mortgage insurance premium? If it even possible?
I have a low credit score (560-580) due to medical collections. Aside from that, no late payment on anything.
Came in to USA in 2015 as permanent residence and working full-time from April 2016 as civil engineer. 700 Credit score. Am I eligible for mortgage loan?
My wife has been at her current job for almost 2 years but she doesn't have very good credit. I'm self employed with well over 700+ credit. I have a good amount of debt and we are able to pay $1400 as m...
I am purchasing a home with 10% down. My current home will be sold in 60 days.. can I refinance that quickly since I'll have a decent amount of cash to put down? I'd like to lower my monthly payment..
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