Our first home is paid off but we need to upgrade to a larger home. Are there any mortgages that offer a low down payment for a second home?
I have talked to numerous banks & credit unions but cannot find someone that services manufactured homes. I have already qualified for a FHA, first time home buyer loan but cannot find a lender.
I currently have a VA loan in California and I don't have any more VA entitlement left as I've used it all up with the current loan. I will be pcsing within the next year. My sole purpose was to free up...
I am depending on the sale of my current home to put a down payment on a new home. At what point during the mortgage process does a lender need to see that I have the cash on hand to make the down payment?
Is it possible with good enough credit (750+)?
My husband and I filed a chapter 7 bankruptcy and it was discharged last October. Our credit since then is above 650.
My local credit union was advertising a big HELOC promotion so I applied. I am retired with $35,000 in debt (car and credit cards). I requested a $60,000 line to pay off all debt and allow additional ...
I am a first time home buyer and anxiously waiting for my approval. The bank appraised the house we would like to purchase today and I am wondering if the appraisal means I am approved?
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