Are they the same thing
My mother has a 2nd property with a conventional loan. Is this assumable?
Is it specific to my city or for the whole county of orange?
I'm a veteran but some have suggested an FHA is best
Hi there I am looking for a nice definition of re-amortize vs refinancing. I am very confused on the diffrences and what will benefit me more. Presently I am looking to adjust my monthly payment and whe...
Is it required to report this
Need 100% LTV for investment property. Condo in Michigan. 1st loan is Fannie Mae @6.75%. 2nd loan is home equity used to buy home @6.5%. Told that I can refinance 1st loan through HARP but cannot combi...
My previous property (currently investment property, townhome, mortgage owned by VHDA) is being rented out as we moved to a Single family house. The mortgage of the single family house is owned by Fanni...
Hi All,Our house has been under contract for a little over 4 weeks with only 2 weeks left until closing. The loan objection deadline i n our contract was 9/12/13 and the Buyer's requested at 10:00 p.m....
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