I am looking to purchase a 2 unit home in MA as an investment. I have 25% downpayment but am looking to do some renovation work of about 25kAre there any renovation programs for investors.Thanks
The unit is not FNMA or FRMAC eligible as renters represent approximately 75% of the occupied units. I'm willing to put down $31,500 or 30% of the $105,000 sales price and would like to know if you have...
We already know with what we owe and what we need to consolidate our new mortgage bal will be over 85% LTV, and we are currently paying PMI. However if we get house reappraised we would be below 80% LT...
I need to buy furnishings, kitchen appliances, tableware and decor can i include that cost in my commercial loan? I have a 750+ credit score and $120,000 annual income, my dream is to open a restaurant ...
I am looking for a property that will allow me to have a public art gallery / live music venue but live on the second story.
Property is actually used as second home for myself (approx. 30% of time spent, 100+ miles away from primary residence in California). Property also used by my parents as their second home. My parents, ...
My loan application was submitted to the nc usda on july 8th, when calling the automated line it says they are working on submissions from july 10th but my loan officer from the bank says she still hasn...
*** Update*** The bank pulled my scores for me and my median is 630. I am wondering if I could get a VA loan, put a little less down and conditionally with the loan use the rest of my savings to pay the...
I have well over 25% equity in my home, my bankruptcy was 25 months ago, and my credit score is above 670 and income to debt ratio is solid. But I am still being told I can't because I did not reaffirm...
We live in Glendae. We are looking for condo to buy
bought my house 3 years ago when i had a full time job and employer. do i need to wait until i file taxes showing my income from self employment?
Are there any major differences besides the no down payment with a VA loan?
We are in TN, own a SFR & finally received final papers that our modification was approved. HOWEVER, there was no reduction in the rate. We are literally paying the same thing as before. LONG (boring...
I am looking to purchase a $700k multi unit property which I also live in. Looking at both residential and commercial loan types, what possibilities are out there for a lower down payment?
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