can i take out an fha 203k loan if i have a conventional loan currently?
I'm currently constructing a house in Canton, MI. I have a sold steady job, perfect credit score, so I got pre-approved and the construction began few months ago. The house will be completed in early O...
The loan modification Is Chases own type of modify. Chase has sold my loan to Ocwen and from what I have heard and read about this company is not good. It's been almost 2yrs on loan modifi and we haven'...
My parents just retired and are doing well healthwise. I know they would like to travel and such, should I set them up with a reverse mortgage? What are the pros and cons of a reverse mortgage?Do I ha...
He lives in Singapore and wants to buy a house here. He isn't an American citizen. Any ideas?
She is trying to get her name on the house by assuming the loan. I know that her credit score is not high, but the mortage company will not run a credit report until the aires to the estate sign legal p...
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