Need details, esp income limits, down pmt requirement.
The loan has matured and I would be interested in another bank that will provide a ten year loan due to the current loan of five years. The current loan type is a balloon and I do not wish to obtain a b...
Can I gift him the down payment? However, we won't qualify for as big of a loan if I am not on the application. Any advice would be great, thanks.
i am Musa Jemi by name, the C E O, Of Musa Micro Finance, i give out loans to individuals and company at 5% if you are in need of loan, you can contact me via email at. ( i will b...
We have a Chpt 7 bankruptcy discharged 2 years ago, in it was a mortgage that was an FHA loan. In the FAQ's on the HUD Website it says this: A Chapter 7 bankruptcy (liquidation) does not disqualify a b...
I have a borrower with 9 investment properties in Oklahoma looking to refinance. I am looking for an Oklahoma Broker that has a lender that can lend up to 10 properties. If not I know the lenders that...
I had bankrutcy discharged last year and want to know is there anyone out there that can help me I believe that paying off this bills and only having one loan will really help feel free to contact me at...
I am interested in getting prequalified to purchase multiple investment properties in the Memphis area. I am a US citizen but I work in Australia. I can provide US tax returns, proof of income and all ...
I have interviewed several lenders and now I am ready to refinance my home. I know lenders face lots of regulations but how do I know the lender I choose will be honest? What advice do you have on choos...
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