I have zero down and need a loan for $155,900.
The mortgage was originally in my wife's name. This was mainly due to the fact that she had better credit than me. She has since stopped working and I am supporting the entire household. We are tryin...
I am looking for a small home loan 5,000-10,000 so I can put a down payment on a trailer and get some furinture. I have 3 very young children and my mom is getting ready to kick us out and I seriously n...
If I have bad credit can I still get a loan for a house
We found out when trying to obtain a pre-approval letter to sign a contract that two medical bills for our sons ER visit over a year ago had gone to collection. My FICO score is just shy of 700 but it i...
I am newly self-employed (read no verifiable income at this time) and want to use the equity in my home to get my business started. Excellent credit (750+), house is paid off, no other debt, no bankrup...
Can I purchase a new home under reverse mortgage while my current one is for sale?
We had to file bankruptcy and it was discharged in June 2011. We were renting out the home and our renters have now moved out. Bank that holds the loan has not done anything and we are not in foreclos...
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