I would like to pay off my mortgage faster so that I pay less in interest over the loan term. What are some ways I can do this?
homes that are upside down. I have a conventional mortgage with Carrington Mortgage @6.5 fixed for 30yrs. I really need to lower the payment and %age. Thanks.
hi my name is william and i live in new york and my credit score is 650 and better from all 3 credit bureaus how much do you think i would get for a mortgage loan and if anyone can help me please feel f...
My children are both in college and will leave the house in a few years. I need to lower my monthly payments and I am not sure if I should refinance or downsize.
My income is low enough that my loans do not require payment under the Income Based Repayment program. But my ratios based on my current income and other debts would otherwise qualify me for an FHA loa...
I live in Indiana. I have some seasoned money in my bank account. My question. If I receive a income tax check back from the government or receive an annual bonus on my pay check,can that be considered ...
My husband and I are looking to purchase a home. My middle credit score is 623 and I have a few collections problems and student loans still deffered. Our other issue is that my husband filed bankruptcy...
My husband and I are looking to purchase a home. My middle credit score is 623 and I have a few collections problems and student loans still deffered. Our other issue is that my husband filed bankruptc...
My husband and I are looking to purchase a home. My middle credit score is 623 and I have a few collections problems and student loans still deffered. Our other issue is that my husband filed bankruptc...
Below is the question I posted yesterday, thanks for all the responses. If I can get the seller to refinance the loan with Harp and add my name to the loan can I remove his name later down the road? I'm...
We will be at the 2 year point shortly and want to work with a VA lender with the 2 year requirement.
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