Hi. I am looking to refinance, but do not want to have any out of pocket fees (other than prepaid interest, escrow, insurance etc.) I can find lots of info online, but I can not find rates and/or lende...
What would be required if income was not an issue?
Are rates going to start rising soon?
I do not know my credit score. I have no lates or credit cards. I have 1 installment loan that I will pay off. Can I get a home loan with 40 to 50% down on a home under $300K. With a good interest rate...
What are my options after being a Poster Child for this? My wife is a Broker, Accountant Professional St, Mary's San Antonio..I have almost a 6 figure income even without her yet this HAPPENED TO ME so ...
I have a Fannie Mae loan, $200K left on loan, havent missed a payment, and have no credit issues. We have spoken to two lenders and the first said they dont deal with fannie mae refinances, the second ...
Can you refinance your home doing borrower paid single premium MI and finance that amount into your new loan amount rather than paying it up front?
We are looking for a jumbo loan (loan of 545,000) with 10% down (home value is 605,000). Jumbos are impossible to find with 10%, most banks want 20%. We would be open to an 80-10-10 but those are hard...
We build a home on land contract. Now that the home is ready the builder is 'not comfortable' with that. he wants to do an amortization at 8% for 25 years. he is also requiring us to pay $200/month for ...
Can FHA loans be used to purchase any single-family homes?
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