The house is my daughters and I was added to the deed in September. I need to pay off credit card debt and she needs cash to make some repairs and pay off some house debt, the house is currently vacant....
are there seasonal differences in rates/terms?
I just received my Chaper 13 discharge 2 weeks ago and I would like to buy a condominium. My income is $75K, my only exisiting debt is a car payment @ $350.00 per month which will be paid off in 7 month...
I keep reading FHA is set to waive the waiting time to purchase FHA again post short sale. Any updates to this proposal? How will we know when this happens? Is there a deadline/date for this proposed...
with a minimal down payment
I'm graduating from a prestigious law school this spring and starting a job at a large law firm in the fall after the bar exam (the typical time frame for law firms hiring). I'll be moving to a new city...
Hopefully I can explain this clearly! My husband has an FHA loan for our current home, his mother is the co-signer on the loan. We live in Michigan and like everyone else we are underwater on our loan. ...
My mortgage is in my ex wife's name, even though I own the house as of last year. I would like to refinance my home to a low rate using an fha loan and remove her name from the mortgage and add mine. ...
but high income. The failed business included several properties foreclosed on and he was not protected. Our home mortgage has been paid 100% on time, always current. All credit cards always paid off e...
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