I EAS in 11 days and i need a loan of about $3000. But im having trouble because i cant use Navy Marine Corps relief Society because im getting out and nobody will lend to me because im.technically stil...
Owe 18,000 on mobile is a 1975 but has been completed gutted and stick built recent appraisal 35,000 and now have a 2 car garage on same property over 17,000. Home in South Dakota is 17,500 stick built ...
Looking for a one time close loan program with the follow details:1. full doc loan2. 645 mid score3. $75,000 cash on deposit/down payment4. w-2 income5. very low DTI6. $415,000 loan amount7. Lot pay-off...
I am planning to take out a USDA loan along with my husband. However, while reading information online, I found that credit score required for a USDA loan will be around 640. Is this true? My husband is...
My dad is willing to buy me a house and he qualifies under FHA, but I heard they won't let you unless you live there... is there any way around this?
I am upsidedown in my mortgage and qualifiy for HARP refinancing. However, I have LPMI through RMIC and I cannot find a lender that will refinance the loan. Are there any lenders that will take on a ref...
My wife and I live in a house wholly owned by her ex-husband (bought in their divorce. we met, I moved in, and we married). He originally put $80k down on $360k purchase. He legally has to sell it to ...
My current home is being used as a rental property and now that I am back from several years overseas I will be moving back into it in 90 days once the renters are out. Can I refinance it as a primary h...
SE Florida. Single family, detached home. Primary residence - owner occupied. House was purchased in May 2012 w/cash.House appraised for $460k.Borrower and Co-Borrower (Husband/Wife) have Credit score...
If I purchase a property as a LLC, will closing fees be different?
one know of anyone that'll do one of these?
Hi;I am US citizen residing overseas with a good standing credit. Last year, I purchased a condo in a brand new high rise building in Center City Philadelphia. I financed the entire transaction from my ...
Me and my fiance are wanting to buy a home together. I had a divorce back in 2010 where I had to file bankruptcy and I was dishcraged in Jan 2011 from all debt including our home. The home is now in for...
I need to know my ratio to see if I can co sign for my sister's mortgage (my spouse is not involved) but I want to see if his income is used by the bank to determine my number. I also want to know if ph...
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