Home is valued at $187k, we owe $242k. Is there anything we can do for help?
I'm from North East Ohio and currently have 4 rental properties(which in the past has limited my ability to refinance). I would like to refinance 1 maybe 2 of them to a fixed rate 30 yr mortgage to gai...
Wife and I moved for my job to Florida in 2006. Purchased home for 209k w/20% down. Lost job in 2009 due to cutbacks, forced to move back to Cleveland. Rented out property for almost 2 years at a mon...
Does Fha still finance up to 98.15% of appraised value?
My mom gifted me the money to buy a house. What are my options to get her the cash back? Refi, home equity, first? I am self employed what is the loan ratio and docs needed to do either or best course?
how much will 1 poing lower a 3.75 interest on a 200,000 mortgage?
I want to refinance my mortgage but I'm not quite ready to do it, I'm currently repairing my credit and i've only been at my current job for a year after being laid off for 6 months. I know mortgage int...
I'm trying to refi my loan but no one will service my loan due to my LPMI with Radian. 4 agencies have denied my loan for that reason. Are there any lenders willing to work with Radian under the HARP 2....
Where is the best place on the net to get an accurate fico score? I've looked at several places and it can vary from 50-100 points.
My credit is pretty non-exsistant. I have a large federal tax lien showing on there due to an installment agreement I"m paying on. I'd like to pay it off along with other bills. I own a house with n...
I need to get someone's name off a mortgage, and I have someone who can be the cosigner because I will not qualify for the refinance alone. Is this something that is allowed?
Hi, I'm looking to get a new home and I am curious about the difference between a fixed rate mortgage vs adjustable rate mortgage. From what I can see, I a FRM should be the safer choice, what are the a...
Are there piggyback loans available that would keep our first mortgage in the conforming range? We live in Virginia and the home will be in Loudoun County. Both my wife's and my credit is above 740.Da...
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