I am in California.Three years ago I walked away from a couple properties and ultimately filed bankruptcy. Two years ago my parents agreed to purchase a home for me "on-paper". I made the down payment, ...
There are three people on our mortgage, we moved from FL to MA. Our application has various addresses. Now a week before closing we are being told that the PMI insurers will not insure us... what can we do
I've been looking into refinancing the house with interest rates so low. At first I was looking to see if we could drop our payments by a couple hundred dollars a month. I talked to our loan officer who...
IN ga. My dad and step mother jointly owned property tenants in common.he passed away .I am receiving 1/4 of property . there was a mortage with both being borrowers who is resposible for the mortage.
If I filed out a mortgage application, how long does it take to get a loan if I'm approved with the information I give?
I'm a single mother that makes roughly 40k a year with two kids, I get some support from the government, but I really wish to move into a new home. I have okay credit, maybe 710-720, and about 10k saved...
I have a home that I am refinancing, with 60% left on the mortgage, home is worth $220,000. My middle score is 741, my income is 45k and my husband makes 40k. If we currently don't have any debt, just s...
My husband is deceased but was active duty during Vietnam and had VA benefits. He died last year and I was wondering if I could purchase a new home with a VA loan. Is this possible?
I have poor credit (like 550), but I can prove through rental properties that I receive monthly payments on a stated income of 55k a year. Can I qualify for a home with this alone?
The home I'm interested in is roughly worth 245k, I have 30k available for a down payment and I make roughly 50k a year after taxes with maybe 10-12k in yearly payments. Is it possible for me to buy a n...
I am a Realtor and I have a VA short sale listed. I just gotten an offer, however it is a very very low offer and the Buyer is asking Seller to pay 3.0% of buyers closing costs as well as all the transf...
Hi, I'm a loan originator in Seattle, and I have an investment condo in Washington, DC that I would like to refinance. The value is around $325,000. The loan amount is $264,000. Current rate is 5.875%. ...
I currently am looking for a mortgage on a 235k home, my monthly income is roughly 45k my wifes is 40k and we have middle credit scores of 722 and 718. If we have 20% for the payment, what can we expe c...
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