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If person A cosigns a loan for person B, should the credit report of person A shows he/she cosigned?

by maya32817 from Charleston, Maine. Apr 5th 2017 Reply

Robert Oliveira (roberto)
#13 ranked lender in Massachusetts - 90 contributions

Hello Yes it should if the creditor reports properly but some do not

Apr 5th 2017
Seth Jacobs (MaineMortgageBanker)
#6 ranked lender in Maine - 116 contributions

Both individuals should have the mortgage reporting on credit reports.

Apr 5th 2017
Doc Compton (DocCompton)
#138 ranked lender in Texas - 15 contributions

Absolutely!If a social security number was provided, the account is subject to reporting.Additionally, co-signing may create something called, "file merging", where information from one borrower, especially address and contact information, can be placed on the other borrower's credit reports. For non-married borrowers, this can be a bit of a headache, but it's generally rectified pretty easily.

Apr 5th 2017
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Yes... It will show on everyones credit report. Change the wording slightly, and it will make more sense. Instead of saying co-signing, replace it with co-applicant. Everyone on the loan application shares equally in responsibility, and everyone will show the debt on their personal credit reports.

Apr 5th 2017
William J Acres (William_Acres)
#75 ranked lender in Arizona - 8,728 contributions

It should show under both the borrower and co-borrower.. but certain lenders say that if the co-borrower opts to not be listed on the deed, then they do not report the loan on their credit report. That is until the loan goes into default.. if that happens, then it will absolutely show up on everyone's credit report. Also, just because the loan does not show on the co-borrowers credit report, does not mean they don't have to list it as an obligation when applying for a new mortgage for themselves. Lending rules require that they list any loan's which they have co-signed for.. I'm a preferred Lender with Arizona and California being my primary markets. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. 480-287-5714 NMLS# 226347 / RPM Mortgage NMLS 1541014 / AZMB0121893

Apr 5th 2017
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