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my Lender is out of business.

I purchased my home through a small community bank in 2015, Detroit- Metro Community Lenders. The bank went out of business in October 2018, but I never received any information about who has my loan or the bank who it was transferred to. I stopped receiving statements in November. The phone number on the notice of the bank closing that i received in August, is out of service. Any suggestions? I pulled my credit and nothing has changed or been reported, same lender. by staffelb271 from Detroit, Michigan. Jan 21st 2019 Reply

Patrick Munce (mtgbuyer1)
#24 ranked lender in Michigan - 13 contributions

Jan 21st 2019
William J Acres (William_Acres)
#75 ranked lender in Arizona - 8,728 contributions

Try checking with the county recorders office to see if an "Assignment of Mortgage" or "Assignment of deed of trust".. has been filed against your property or loan. if there was, then the company/business it was assigned to will be listed there on the document and you should be able to contact them. If the company just went out of business, then they would have sold the loan off prior to closing.. If they filed for Bankruptcy, then that's a whole different thing.. But I would start with the county recorders office. Another place you can try is the title company who closed your loan. They know how to look and search for the info, and typically will do it for free, or maybe a small charge of a few hundred dollars. Regardless, you are still obligated to make the payments on time.. If you cannot locate the new servicer, then I would start a new savings account and deposit enough funds to cover the unpaid payments, and then continue to transfer funds sufficient to make up the back payments once the loan finds it's new servicer. But one thing I know for sure.. in the absence of this old lender, it does not relive you of the outstanding balance.. someone will come looking for their money. I'm a preferred Lender with California and Arizona being my primary markets. If you or someone you know is looking for financing options, feel free to contact me or pass along my information. 480-287-5714 NMLS# 226347 / LendUS, NMLS 1938/ AZMB0121893

Jan 22nd 2019
Joe Metzler (JoeMetzler)
#17 ranked lender in Minnesota - 4,852 contributions

Oh boy... Eventually this will get figured out, and somebody is going to come looking for money. So in the meantime while you are trying to figure this out, be sure to be putting the normal monthly payment into an account somewhere.

Jan 23rd 2019
Sunny Singh (916Mortgage)
#353 ranked lender in California - 18 contributions

You have a note and a servicer. Please remember, you signed loan documents for a loan, promising to repay, in front of a witness (notary public) and have been making payments (history). Just because the Bank went out of business doesnt give you a free pass to stop making the payments.I say this as a help to you, and my intention is purely to ensure you dont get blindsided or harmed financially..Ive seen it too many times to count. It sucks and I am sorry you are going through this unnecessary drama.With that said, I would strongly recommend you call your Servicer (phone number would be on your last Mortgage Statement)....if that number is disconnected, google them (just like this forum exists, there probably are alot of other people who may be in the same situation as you) your loan officer who initially helped you, you can find that info on NMLSCONSUMERACCESS.ORG by just typing her/his name. Nevertheless, dont stop making payments. Send them in, even if you get return to sender so there is evidence to support you when they finally come to collect. Hope this helps :)

Jan 24th 2019
Dave Skow (daveskow)
#15 ranked lender in Washington - 455 contributions

try researching the bank closing a little the bank will likely find something that references who will be taking over the servicing of the loans might ask any other people you know in the industry for assistance ( realtor / banker / escrow firm )

Jan 24th 2019
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